Source code for scripts.analyze

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jun  4 20:48:37 2018

@author: elcok
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

sys.path.append(os.path.join( '..'))
from scripts.functions import region_exposure,region_losses,poly_files,load_sample
from scripts.utils import load_config,download_osm_file

import country_converter as coco
cc = coco.CountryConverter()

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) 


from multiprocessing import Pool,cpu_count

[docs]def all_countries_risk(): """Function to estimate the risk for all countries consecutively. """ # specify country countries = ['LU','CZ','CH','EE','LV','LT','PT','ES','AT','BE','DK','IE','NL','NO','SE','UK','PL','IT','FI','FR','DE'] for country in countries: losses(country, parallel = False, event_set = True)
[docs]def all_countries_losses(): """Function to estimate the losses for all countries consecutively. """ # specify country countries = ['LU','CZ','CH','EE','LV','LT','PT','ES','AT','BE','DK','IE','NL','NO','SE','UK','PL','IT','FI','FR','DE'] for country in countries: losses(country, parallel = True)
[docs]def all_countries_exposure(): """Function to estimate the exposure for all countries consecutively. """ # specify country countries = ['LU','CZ','CH','EE','LV','LT','PT','ES','AT','BE','DK','IE','NL','NO','SE','UK','PL','IT','FI','FR','DE'] for country in countries: exposure(country, include_storms = True, parallel = False)
[docs]def exposure(country, include_storms = True, parallel = True,save=True): """ Creation of exposure table of the specified country. Arguments: *country* (string) -- ISO2 code of country to consider. *include_storms* (bool) -- if set to False, it will only return a list of buildings and their characteristics (default: **True**). *parallel* (bool) -- calculates all regions within a country parallel. Set to False if you have little capacity on the machine (default: **True**). *save* (bool) -- boolean to decide whether you want to save the output to a csv file (default: **True**). Returns: *GeoDataframe* -- Geopandas dataframe with all buildings of the country and potential exposure to wind """ #make sure the country inserted is an ISO2 country name for he remainder of the analysis #country = coco.convert(names=country, to='ISO2') # get data path data_path = load_config()['paths']['data'] # create country poly files poly_files(data_path,country) #download OSM file if it is not there yet: download_osm_file(country) #get list of regions for which we have poly files (should be all) regions = os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path,country,'NUTS3_POLY')) regions = [x.split('.')[0] for x in regions] if include_storms == True: storms = len(regions)*[True] country_list = len(regions)*[country] if parallel == True: with Pool(cpu_count()-2) as pool: country_table = pool.starmap(region_exposure,zip(regions,country_list,storms),chunksize=1) else: country_table = [] for region in regions: country_table.append(region_exposure(region,country,True)) else: storms = len(regions)*[False] country_list = len(regions)*[country] if parallel == True: with Pool(cpu_count()-2) as pool: country_table = pool.starmap(region_exposure,zip(regions,country_list,storms),chunksize=1) else: country_table = [] for region in regions: country_table.append(region_exposure(region,country,True)) if save == True: gdf_table = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(country_table),crs='epsg:4326') gdf_table.drop(['centroid'],axis='columns',inplace=True) gdf_table.to_file(os.path.join(data_path,'exposure_country',country,'{}_exposure.shp'.format(country))) return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(country_table),crs='epsg:4326')
[docs]def losses(country, parallel = True, event_set = False,save=True): """ Creation of exposure table of the specified country Arguments: *country* (string) -- ISO2 code of country to consider. *parallel* (bool) -- calculates all regions within a country parallel. Set to False if you have little capacity on the machine (default: **True**). *event_set* (bool) -- if set to True, we will calculate the losses for the event set instead of the historical storms (default: **True**). *save* (bool) -- boolean to decide whether you want to save the output to a csv file (default: **True**). Returns: *GeoDataframe* -- Geopandas dataframe with all buildings of the country and their **losses** for each wind storm. """ #make sure the country inserted is an ISO2 country name for he remainder of the analysis #country = coco.convert(names=country, to='ISO2') # get data path data_path = load_config()['paths']['data'] # create country poly files poly_files(data_path,country) #download OSM file if it is not there yet: download_osm_file(country) #load sample sample = load_sample(country) #get list of regions for which we have poly files (should be all) regions = os.listdir(os.path.join(data_path,country,'NUTS3_POLY')) regions = [x.split('.')[0] for x in regions] if event_set == False: event_set = len(regions)*[False] samples = len(regions)*[sample] if parallel == True: with Pool(cpu_count()-2) as pool: country_table = pool.starmap(region_losses,zip(regions,event_set,samples),chunksize=1) else: country_table = [] for region in regions: country_table.append(region_losses(region,False,sample)) elif event_set == True: event_set = len(regions)*[True] samples = len(regions)*[sample] if parallel == True: with Pool(cpu_count()-2) as pool: country_table = pool.starmap(region_losses,zip(regions,event_set,samples),chunksize=1) else: country_table = [] for region in regions: country_table.append(region_losses(region,True)) if (save == True) & (event_set == False): gdf_table = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(country_table),crs='epsg:4326',geometry='geometry') gdf_table.drop(['centroid'],axis='columns',inplace=True) gdf_table.to_file(os.path.join(data_path,'losses_country','{}_losses.shp'.format(country))) else: None return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(country_table),crs='epsg:4326')
[docs]def risk(country,save=True,parallel=True): """ Estimate risk based on event set Arguments: *country* (string) -- ISO2 code of country to consider. *path_to_eventset* (string) -- the location of the event set in the data directory *save* (bool) -- boolean to decide whether you want to save the output to a csv file (default: **True**). *parallel* (bool) -- calculates all regions within a country parallel. Set to False if you have little capacity on the machine (default: **True**). """ # get data path data_path = load_config()['paths']['data'] gdf_buildings = losses(country, parallel = parallel, event_set = True, save=True) if save == True: gdf_buildings.drop(['centroid'],axis='columns',inplace=True) gdf_buildings.to_file(os.path.join(data_path,'output_risk','risk_{}.shp'.format(country))) return gdf_buildings